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Discount Percentage Calculator

Free online tool that helps you calculate the percentage discount of a product or service.

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What is discount percentage?

A discount percentage is the percentage by which a product or service is reduced in price from its original cost. It represents the amount of money that a customer can save on the purchase of an item or service.

Discount percentages are commonly used in retail and business to attract customers and boost sales. For example, a store may offer a 10% discount on all items during a sale, which means that customers can purchase the items at 10% off the original price.

The discount percentage is calculated by dividing the discount amount by the original price and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. For example, if a $50 item is discounted by $10, the discount percentage would be calculated as (10 / 50) x 100 = 20%. This means that the item is being sold at a 20% discount from its original price.

Discount percentages can vary depending on the promotion or sale, and it's important for consumers to compare prices and discounts across different retailers to find the best deals.

Discount percentage formula

The formula for calculating the discount on a price or cost of an item using a percentage discount is:

Discount = Original Price x (Discount Rate / 100)

  • Discount is the amount of money that is reduced from the original price or cost.
  • Original Price is the initial price or cost of the item.
  • Discount Rate is the percentage of the original price that is being discounted.

For example, let's say you have a pair of shoes that originally cost $50, and there is a 20% discount being offered. To calculate the amount of discount you will receive, you can use the formula above:

$50 x (20 / 100) = $10

So the discount on the shoes is $10. To find the final price of the shoes after the discount, you can subtract the discount from the original price:

Final Price = Original Price - Discount = $50 - $10 = $40

So the final price of the shoes after the 20% discount is $40.

How to calculate amount from discount percentage?

To calculate the amount from a discount percentage, you can use the following formula:

Discount Amount = Original Price x (Discount Percentage / 100)

  • Discount Amount is the amount of money that is being reduced from the original price or cost.
  • Original Price is the initial price or cost of the item.
  • Discount Percentage is the percentage of the original price that is being discounted.

For example, let's say you want to know the discount amount for a shirt that costs $30 and has a 20% discount. You can use the formula above:

$30 x (20 / 100) = $6

So the discount amount for the shirt is $6. To find the final price of the shirt after the discount, you can subtract the discount amount from the original price:

Final Price = Original Price - Discount Amount

$30 - $6 = $24

So the final price of the shirt after the 20% discount is $2