Result copied

Percentage Calculator

Free online tool that helps you calculate the percentage of the new value relative to the original value, as well as the difference and percentage change.

Percentage of new value relative to original value
0.00 %
Percentage change
0.00 %

How to calculate the percentage of the new value relative to the original value?

To find the percentage of a new value relative to an original value, you can use the following formula:

((New Value - Original Value) / Original Value) x 100%

This formula calculates the percentage increase or decrease between the original value and the new value. If the result is positive, it represents the percentage increase, and if the result is negative, it represents the percentage decrease.

For example, let's say the original value was 100 and the new value is 150. To find the percentage increase relative to the original value, use the formula as follows:

((150 - 100) / 100) x 100% = 50%

This means that the new value is 50% higher than the original value. Conversely, if the new value were 75 instead, you would get:

((75 - 100) / 100) x 100% = -25%

This means that the new value is 25% lower than the original value.